Releasing the Negative and Forgiveness

December 2, 2018 Kenneth

Releasing the Negative Emotions In Your Life

We’re all going to have negative experiences in life and people that come along and cause us a large amount of anger, frustration, pain, disappointment and other negative emotions.  Some people will cause more pain than others.

This is completely normal and no-one will escape these experiences over the course of their lifetime.

Although this is normal, the problem lies in the fact that these negative emotions are energy.  They are a powerful energy that resides within us and those energies are slowly eating away at us.

How do you know you have these negative energies?

If you simply think about that person or event and you feel a surge of negative emotions or thoughts starting to rise through your being…then you can be pretty sure that you have some work to do and release them.

For example…Someone may have spread a false rumor about you and that caused you a lot of pain and “damaged” your reputation.  That has happened to me and it was so frustrating. It was infuriating and made me so angry.

It affected me so much I really wanted to confront that person and even fantasized about fighting that person.  Pretty nuts right?

The crazy thing was that even 2 years later that person was still in my head.  I couldn’t wait to see them again and confront them. I had to make it “right”.

You see the problem with that approach is that every time I thought of that person, that inner rage would surface as well as other negative emotions.

You can actually feel your stomach turn and your adrenaline start to pump.  It is a negative emotion that is stressing your body and moving you away from your higher vibe.

That higher vide being that place where you feel at peace, feel fulfilled, happy, calm and in sync with life.

If any person or event is raising these feeling within you, then it is time to release!

I’m going to show you how you can go about releasing the negative from your life.

How Do You Release These Negative Energies?

There are a number of things you can do when we go about releasing the negative emotions in our life, but I want to focus on just a couple here that will help you release that negative energy — which is really trapped in your body and is affecting every cell of your being, even if you don’t believe that to be true.


We will never be able to move forward in our life fully, if we hold onto past pains and grudges.  It doesn’t matter what the person has said or done in the past.

We give away all our power, when we allow those past events and people to control us and control us they do right?  If the mere thought of someone or something brings up a surge of negative emotions, then we have lost control and given all our power to that event or person.

In order to regain our power we need to release that pain and the first step is forgiveness.  Forgiving someone doesn’t mean we agree or condone their behavior or that we are “weak”.

In fact it the complete opposite, it actually means we are strong.  It means we have the courage to go within, face that pain face to face, eyeball to eyeball and say goodbye…

How Do We Forgive?

It is actually pretty simple…but that doesn’t mean it is easy.  One of the best ways to forgive someone is simply by shifting your perspective.  

What do I mean by that?  Well instead of blaming them, being angry or any other negative emotion, see it rather as a life lesson.

See those people as being a necessary element in your life and being your teacher.  They are going to teach you something in life, that will help you grow and become a better person?

So the first step to forgiveness is simply shifting the perspective and saying something like…

“Ok Jimmy, you caused me a lot of pain and your behavior was so wrong…but I forgive you.  I don’t agree with what you did, but I am going to release it from me. Your actions no longer have power over me and I use this as a lesson that is going to make me a better person.

Thank you for teaching me.”

What is the lesson?  Well for one the lesson will be forgiveness and the other lesson(s) I cannot say as it is dependent on the situation.  It may simply be forgiveness, it may be how to control your emotions, it may be how to let go, it may be that your self esteem is not dependent on someone’s else opinion or whatever.  

You have to pay attention and see what that lesson is for you.

Normally it is the hardest thing to release that is the biggest teacher in our lives.

This Doesn’t Mean We Clam Up Either

What this exercise doesn’t mean however is that we close up and say things like…”Well that means I just can’t trust anyone anymore.  I’ll never love fully again. I’ll never do business with someone again after this.  It just goes to show, people can’t be trusted. All women/men are bad and only care about money.”

When we do that, we cannot live fully, because now we are restricting our beliefs about life based on a few life experiences.  Thos events may have been true in the past, but it doesn’t mean they’re true for all of life.

Writing a Letter to Release

Sometime the best way to release and get this off our chest is just to write a letter to that person — not to send it — but just so we can write down everything that needs to be said.  We just need to release the vent up energy and allow the volcano to erupt…

So grab a pen and piece of paper and ;et it all out.  Say everything you need to say, no matter how “bad” or negative it is.  Just get those emotions out. Let them have it.

When you’re done you may feel super charged with emotions…you may be angry or even cry and that is good.  Let it out and say goodbye to it, once and for all.

When you have written that letter, go grab yourself a match and burn it.  As it is burning, say out loud…

I lovingly release that negativity from my life.  It is fully released from my being and there is no need to ever revisit that event.  All that negative energy is released and I replace it with loving and positive energy.  I forgive you and wish you all the best in your life. Thank you for teaching me how to live fully.  I choose to live a life of love and abundance, where I have full control of my emotions.

That is it…it is done.  It’s time to move forward in peace and confidence.

A Mental Exercise for Forgiveness and Releasing Negative Emotions

Another exercise that you can do is  a visualization exercise. This is where you can see that person standing on a stage in that dominant position over you.  In the scene you just observe them and start sending them a ray of white light.

Ok this may start to seem a little weird for you, but white is a color of purity.  Light is love. It is like the loving, warm rays of the sun giving us life. So by projecting a white light towards that person we can start to silently bless them.

Send them love and speak to them softly.  I don’t agree with what you did. You hurt me and cause me pain, but I am willing to let go and forgive you.  Thank You for being my teacher and I send you love and best wishes in your life.

Spend us much time as you can visualizing them and feeling the change within you.  When you feel your energy shift from that of negativity to one of positivity, then you can start to them see that person in black and white and getting smaller and smaller.

See them get smaller and smaller and slowly start to fade away from the stage.  Getting smaller and smaller until they disappear.

Then replace that image with you in full color, of you smiling, feeling free and being happy.  You feeling like a million dollars and feeling absolutely bulletproof, where no one and nothing can hurt you.

That is where we want to get to…authentic power, where nothing is there to hurt us but rather to become our greatest teacher and help us learn and grow.  

When we approach life like this and we constantly remind ourself to release the negative by shifting our perspective, we become a greater version of ourselves that we’ll ever be.

That is authentic power and that is authentic you.

Here’s to you Living an Abundant Life!




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