It All Starts With A Vision

July 20, 2015
July 20, 2015 Kenneth

Your Life Vision

It all starts with a Vision!

You cannot create your dream life without having an idea of what it looks like.  It is the same as leaving a harbor on a rudderless ship with no destination, no crew, no co-ordinates and no compass.

You will simply be left to the forces of nature, the wind, the waves, the currents etc to determine your direction and destination.Life Vision

To start creating the life you want, you need to start building the picture of it in your mind.  Write it down in as much detail as possible.  Where do you live?  What does your house look like?  What do you do for work?  What do you do in your free time?  What do your relationships look like?  What is your support system like?  What does your health look like?  How much money do you earn? etc etc!

Be as detailed as possible and write it down.  Then start to imagine yourself living that life.  Visualize yourself in that position over and over and as many times as possible.

We are all taught to stop being dreamers when we are young and in school.  We’re told…”Stop being a day dreamer”…”Be realistic”.  The truth is, there is nothing worse than stopping being a dreamer.

Everything that man has ever created.  Everything that man has ever achieved was once a vision in someone’s head before it could come into physical existence.

So no matter what your circumstances are now.  They may be poor, so-so or good, but you want change.  Don’t let those current circumstances hold you back from creating your life vision.  Don’t wait, start with building that image in your mind right now.

Dream big, exciting and scary dreams for yourself.  Enlarge your vision and start today.  Never let anyone talk you out of your dreams.  This is your life and you are a co-creator of your life experience.  Start creating today!

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Here’s to your Amazing New Life!





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