How Do You Like Your Eggs? A Lesson in Being Yourself…

October 23, 2018
October 23, 2018 Kenneth

In the USA our consumption of eggs is on average 274.2 per person per year.  That’s a lot of eggs right?  But guess what.  We consume those eggs in a variety of ways, but I just want to focus on one thing…breakfast!

Why am I talking about eggs and breakfast and why should you care?  Stick with me and I’ll explain how this analogy can transform your life and give you the impetus to move forward with greater confidence.

Not everybody likes their eggs prepared the same way.  Think about the different ways to cook an egg.  You can scramble them, fry them, poach them, boil them, bake them and cook them in a variety of ways and create eggs Benedict, deviled eggs and countless other ways…such as Coffee with Egg (a speciality in Vietnam).

Some like them soft, medium, hard, over easy, over medium, sunny side up and on and on…

And not only that, sometimes we like to have our eggs prepared different ways on different days.

I want you to think about that for a little while.  What it highlights is that everyone is different and has different tastes.  You’re going to get people who only like their eggs prepared one way and they stick with it.  Then you’ll get people who prepare their eggs different ways and try different egg dishes based on how they feel.

Us humans are all unique.  We are all different and our moods, emotions and tastes shift.

So think of these eggs when you are about to start off on your new journey in life and you have big dreams.  One of the things that stops us in our tracks is fear.  We fear things like…”Who am I to do this?  Why would anybody like me or what I have to say?  Why would anyone listen to me?  How do I stand out?  There’s too many people doing this already…”

The stories within our heads go on and on.

I see and hear this every single day when dealing with people in business.  They want to start something new, or change direction or take their business to the next level, but then they get scared because of these stories in their head.

The truth is we are ok just the way we are.  Some people will relate to what we have to say, our energy and our personality and others won’t and that is cool!

If somebody loves hard boiled eggs and that is all they eat, well you won’t be able to change their mind and get them to eat soft boiled eggs…(until they are ready to try) and the same thing applies to you.  Not everyone will love you and what you offer.

Accept that BUT…don’t try to change yourself or your approach.  Be yourself and be authentic and understand that your uniqueness is going to attract some people and repel others.  That is exactly what we want to do.

But don’t let that negative inner voice hold you back…we will be the perfect voice, the perfect person, the perfect solution for someone and some audience out there.  So go ahead…dream big, take big steps and move forward in confidence knowing that the simple egg is a great reminder for us that everyone is unique and everyone has different tastes.

You just focus on being you and delivering the message to those people who will love you for what you are and that is how they like it.

I hope you enjoyed this message and it resonates with you.

Dream big — move forward in confidence.  Know you are worthy and good enough.

To Your Success


Photo by Ben Kolde on Unsplash




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