Where Focus Goes, Energy Flows!

July 23, 2015
July 23, 2015 Kenneth

Where Focus Goes, Energy Flows!

What do you want?  Ask yourself that over and over?  What do I want?  What do I really want?

If there is something troubling you in your life now or you are in a situation that you want to be out of or improve upon, then you cannot place any more energy and thoughts on it if you want change.

You see we too often focus on our problems, and I know that is really difficult not too – I was sick for 5 years and completely broke.  It’s hard not to worry, think about your situation, beg for help, curse your luck, look longingly at others etc – but I can assure you, it won’t help you at all.Where Focus Goes Energy Flows

My turning point came, when I wrote out my Life Vision, realized the Divine nature of all of us, set myself some goals and started doing Mantra’s, affirmations and visualization of what I WANTED.

I saw myself healthy, I told myself I am so healthy, I visualized income, I saw money coming in, I visualized what I would do with the money, I went into as much details as I could.

Why did I do this?  Because we are all made of Energy.  This entire universe is made of energy and energy vibrates.  When you feel tired, sick, depressed, anxious, worrisome, insignificant, unworthy you are vibrating at a low negative level.  Just thinking about horrible things will make you feel terrible.

But if you flip the coin and start thinking positive things and visualizing yourself doing and having the things you want, you will start to feel better.  Your vibration will change.  You’ll feel good vibes?

It is important to know that your Body does not know the difference between what is real and what is imagined.  For example, a Panic or Anxiety attack results from a “event” that is not real – it is just based on thought, but the body’s physical response is real.  Athletes can close their eyes and visualize themselves doing their sprint or race and their muscles fire in the right sequence as if they were doing the actual event.

Why do you think you feel good when you dream and fantasize about amazing things?  Thoughts are Energy.  Where Focus Goes, Energy Flows.

If you want to start attracting more of the good in your life you need to change your energy so that it matches the vibrations of that what you want.  Fake it until you make it.

You can’t be healthy if you keep thinking you’re sick, you can’t be rich if you keep thinking you’re poor, you can’t start your own business if you think you’re not good enough, you can’t get that promotion at work if you think you’re unworthy.

Start today to Focus on what you want…Your Life Vision and visualize, focus and place your energy directly on what you want and not what you don’t want.

Thoughts direct energy.  Thoughts become Things.

It works. try it!

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Here’s to your Amazing New Life!





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