Getting Better Results in Life – Why Is It Taking So Long?

January 14, 2015
January 14, 2015 Kenneth

Getting Better Results in Life!

But Why is it Taking so Long?

Are you looking at Getting Better Results in Your Life, but it just seems to be taking FOREVER?  Don’t worry this is an enormous source of frustration for so many people including myself.

Why the heck is it taking so long to get the results we want in our life?  When we find ourselves in a place of not achieving what we set out to get, we end up getting frustrated, despondent, filled with doubt, angry, we start feeling down and feel unworthy.  In some instances we give up.

Of course this doesn’t help at all, but there is an answer.

Put simply it is not because we are unworthy at all.  It’s just we don’t know how and we have never been showed how.  You must understand the following:

You don’t become what you think, you become what you are!

Huh?  What does that Mean?

Let me use an example.  Say you want to be more happy.  So you lie in bed and think about how nice it would be to be happy and you dream of being happy – it makes you feel good when you see yourself like that.

Well I can assure you that if you walk around the rest of the day being judgmental of people, jealous, frustrated, angry and complaining, there is NO WAY you will be happy, no matter how many times you say happy mantra’s or affirmations.

That’s what it means when to become what you are…

To know what you’re thinking, pay attention to how you feel.  How you feel is what you are…  

Your dominant thoughts will determine how you feel.  How you feel is called your vibration.

So here comes the flow:

Thoughts = the way you feel = the way you act = the way you are.

So if you want to be happy or wealthier or healthier or more successful, you have to start to make those your dominant thoughts, so that you feel more like you want to be.

You cannot be healthy if you keep having sick thoughts.  You cannot have more money if you keep having poverty thoughts.  You cannot be happy if you keep having angry or judgmental thoughts.

Use your feelings as a compass and immediately change your thoughts, if you feel the opposite of the way you want to.  Do it all day until it become a habit and it becomes your truth!

The more dominant those thought patterns the quicker the results come to you in your life.

Getting Better Results in Life



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