July 28, 2015
July 28, 2015 Kenneth

Hypnosis & Sub-Conscious Mind

This article is a great introduction into how the Conscious and Sub-conscious mind work and control many aspects of our lives.  Even though the article talk about a hypnosis patient that became a gym junkie, the real knowledge or takeaway is the power of our mind and the different components we all have access too!

What are of your life would you change if you could work on your sub-conscious programming?Hypnosis & Sub-Conscious Mind

Check out the article here  as it appeared in Elle (by ) or read below:

When we learned that a single hypnosis session turned an unmotivated Olivia Munn into a bona fide gym rat, we weren’t just intrigued—we wanted to know how we could sign up. After years of battling the snooze button and using every excuse in the book to avoid a workout, getting put into a trance sounded like the world’s easiest way to silence our inner lazy.

But is that ​actually​ how it works? Not quite, says Alexandra Janelli, New York City-based hypnotherapist and anxiety specialist. First of all, it’s not just about tackling the fact that a patient is unmotivated to go the gym, but ​why​. “There’s so much lying underneath the presenting issue,” she says. “There’s the conscious mind, and that’s logic, reason, willpower, and active reasoning. I call it the excuse-maker,” she explains. “That’s 10 percent of the mind, and we use it for 90 percent of the day. Then there’s the subconscious mind—no logic, reason, or willpower, but purely reactive and behavioral. Everything that goes through your conscious mind happens as a result of association from your subconscious mind, even if you rationalize it. But hypnosis bypasses and quiets that conscious part of the mind, and makes positive associations for the subconscious.” And unlike the “hypnosis” you’ve likely viewed at some point as a form of entertainment (you know, the kind where a magician-like figure snaps his fingers and gets his subject to bark like a dog without their recollection), hypnotherapy in a clinical setting is within the patient’s control. “I can’t make anyone do anything they don’t want to do,” Janelli says. Instead, she guides the patient into a state of deep relaxation, gently addressing issues that are brought up during a prior talk therapy session, and offering suggestions that the subconscious mind can either accept or reject...READ MORE




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