Be Yourself

November 6, 2014
November 6, 2014 Kenneth

Life Coaching Strategy

Be YourSelf

Lessons for Being Authentic and Fulfilling Your Destiny


It is rumored that Oscar Wilde said these words. I absolutely love them, yet even though it sounds so simple and may sound so cliched, it is one of the hardest things to do sometimes.

Why is it such a difficult thing to do?

Well simply because, from the time we are infants our sub-conscious minds are fed by the environment in which we are raised. That means our parents, grandparents, siblings, the background chatter of the TV and Radio etc, are all streaming directly into our little minds unfiltered information(unfiltered simply because at young ages our conscious mind are not developed enough to filter the input and make decisions).

In those early years we are “set” on how we should dress, how we should behave, what religions to follow, where we should live, what our relationships should look like, what type of work we should do, money is evil, men don’t cry, in fact even the language we are to speak and more.

Think back to times that you wanted to pursue a certain career and you didn’t because that is not what your parents or partner wanted you to do, or because there was no money in it etc.

Think of the times people laughed or scoffed at your dreams or visions, the times as a kid you were made fun of because you dressed a certain way or you weren’t cool enough.

This is not just for us as kids either, it still applies now. What song do you still have in your heart? What vision, dreams and wishes do you still hold harbored and buried deep within you?

It is time to be bold and courageous and give those narrow minded paradigms of others, that have kept us bonded for so long, the good old fashioned “2 finger salute” – the good old “up yours pal”, this is my life and I will do what the heck I want and what I please.

Don’t let anybody tell you what is reasonable and what is not. Don’t blame them either, that is their thinking and remember they were “fed” the same limiting thoughts by their environment.

It is time to live your life and express your dreams and your uniqueness, your unique ideas, your unique little quirks and show your different lines, bumps and shapes. You are amazing and the universe needs to express itself through YOU….and NOW.


Life Coaching New York City




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